

You see a pothole in the road, litter in the woods or other problems, where do I report it?

Do you see a pothole on the road or trash in the woods and don't know where to report it? Use the LocalSpot trap, and your application in a few seconds goes to the BlackJack office.

How does it work?

• Report observed the problem (e.g. Damaged pavement)

• Feedback Service records, and sends them by email to the relevant Office

• The Office is taking steps to support registrations, at that time a common communication service allows residents and office

• Once the Authority will resolve the reported problem (e.g. the pavement is being repaired), then you can close the ticket

What is LocalSpot?

• Modern - Service users use the dedicated website and mobile applications

• National - available using the same service in every municipality in Poland

• free - residents and authorities do not pay to use the Service

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