GrubDash Driver: Food Delivery Driver Simulator – Download game for iOS

Game overviewDrive for GrubDash, upgrade your life milestones, pick up on time, and deliver food with style in this unique delivery experience.

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Welcome to the year 2020, where a mysterious event has caused an economic downfall leaving many without a job, including the protagonist, who happens to be you. In this game, you must pay bills that continuously pile up, and fortunately, GrubDash food delivery platform is willing to bring you on board as a delivery driver.The game features numerous options such as upgrading your small starter home to an extravagant McMansion, decorated with expensive possessions. Your society has been abandoned; hence, you can purchase empty sites and transform them into luxurious businesses or housing for more occupants.The game has seven stats to upgrade, with strength, intelligence, charisma, dexterity levels to increase the carrying capacity, find better-paying orders, gain larger cash tips, and enhance your walking speed, respectively. You can also upgrade yo72rummy.comur education level with the right price, ranging from an Associate to a Master level and become the Boss's Family Member.Pick up food from six distinct restaurants and deliver them to individuals living in different areas of the town. Maximize your earnings and customer rating by collecting the food at the right time, delivering it within the desired duration, and retaining its warmth while delivering outstanding customer service. The game consists of over 60 achievements that you can complete to become the most sought-after food delivery driver. You also get the chance to use eight unique vehicles and up to a total of twenty-four automobiles to make your deliveries, ranging from a low-cost beater to an expensive sports car.As you progress through the game, you can unlock new vehicles with cash, earn them randomly throughout the world or after completing your life milestones.To boost the chance of receiving cash tips at the end of each order, you must complete minigames. Use the rewards to upgrade your vehicles to improve its handling, fuel efficiency, maintenance costs, and maximum speed, making your deliveries efficient and more rewarding.The game is compatible with common gamepads and controllers. To achieve the berummyvibe.comst gameplay experience, it is recommended to link your device to the gamepad or controller before the start of the game. Smaller icons and buttons make the game more preferable for devices with a larger screen, such as a tablet or phone.Show more

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