Description of Golf club database Built golf club data by yourself or download golf clubs.More than 50 golf clubs in Taiwan are ready for download. you can download only the required golf club data.Golf clubs for download is expandable.Easy for you to open Google map, plan route from your current location to golf club, and using GPS tracking ability of Google map to get to golf club.
Version history Golf club database New in Golfclubs 3.2.2 Add floating label to Edit Text Field.Add image resolution selection in settings, photos will be drop to selected resolution, to reduce storage space usage.New in Golfclubs 3.2.1 Update code to pick image for golf club data, support images saved in cloud storage.Optimize golf course data input interface.Convert message showing from Toast to Snack bar.Solved the downward compatibility problem to show vector image in data grid.New in Golfclubs 3.2.0 UpdaBaixar o Aplicativo Móvel Fortune Tigerte launcher icon.Update grid view appearance. New in Golfclubs 3.1.5 Debug New in Golfclubs 3.1.4 Optimize user interfaceDebug New in Golfclubs 3.1.2 Improve Tee Editor user interface. New in Golfclubs 3.1.1 Upgrade to Android 7.1Debug New in Golfclubs 3.1.0 Upgrade to Android 7.1 New in Golfclubs 3.0.4 Migrate project from Eclipse to Android Studio and integrate firebase SDK.Solved the crash problem on android 6.0 caused by permission request procedure.Improve data editing operation flow.Update floating action button design.Debug.Optimize user interface. Please rate this app
junglee Rummy