Game overviewSurvive the horror in "Reporter 2" as you uncover the dark history while being followed by a mysterious girl in your nightmares. System requirements are high.
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Prepare to be shaken to your core with the continuation of the wildly popular action-horror gaming experience, "Reporter," crFortune OXafted by the talented team at AGaming+ studio. As you delve deeper into the darkness, make sure you turn off the lights and put on your headphones, for only the most attentive and cautious of players can hope to unravel the enigma at the heart of this macabre tale.Though you may have escaped from the hospital with your life, don't Plushie Frenzy relax just yet. A mysterious call about 7 days is still haunting you, and the clock is ticking. So, kiss your carefree dreams goodbye and prepare to be shackled by the fetters of a waking nightmare, where every new dawn brings ever more horrifying and realistic terrors. You're desperate to uncover the truth about the girl who is plaguing your dreams. Fortunately, one of your friends has uncovered some promising leads. It's time to act! Get ready to face your fears head-on.Important note: For the ultimate experience, it's recommended that you play on Ultra settings - though you'll need a top-of-the-line device to do so, sporting processors such as Exynos 8890 or Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 and higher.Show more
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