Free download SKIT! - Video Maker APK for Android

Description of SKIT! - Video Maker Create Videos and Make Friends! Easily create cool animations instantly, then chat, follow, and remix with the huge community of "skitters!" ....Just make a skit and get followers quick :P SKIT! is about friends making fun things *together*. It's a place where you can express yourself and meet cool new people. ***Editors Pick: Children's Technology Review*** ***Featured in Mashable, Macaroni Kid...and even Bloomberg!?! *** ***Readers Choice: USA Today***With SKIT! you can create almost anything....+ Give your friend ears like a rabbit or the legs of a buffalo+ Dress your big brother in a ballet costume (?!)+ Download now - the possibilities are endlessAmaze Your Followers+ Make friends smile with a shout-out, play an instrument, or just sing your heart out!+ Top the SKIT! Leaderboards, get featured, and earn unique bonus stickers and badges+ The more you skit, the more SKIT! Coin you’ll have to get the coolest new stuff*WOW* Yrummy app listour Friends +Choose from bazillions of photos, moving pictures, stickers, and music--or add your own+Add fire, snow, rain, or go black and white for dramatic effect+Record your own voice, or use a free soundtrack * Hey Parents! *SKIT! unlocks creativity and builds social skills in a safe, monitored environment. Our --award winning-- kids app is perfect for your young tweens who are looking to express themselves but aren’t ready for Facebook. Want more info? contact us: [email protected] are you waiting for? Get the free app and let’s Make some Fun!Happy Skitting,TeamSKIT!

Version history SKIT! - Video Maker New in SKIT! Kids 3.5s Welcome to SKIT! Kids, where you can create videos and make friends.SKIT! is now AD FREE and better than ever!Come join the video-making, friend-finding, emoji-chatting fun!Happy Skitting! -- Team SKIT! New in SKIT! Kids 3.4s Welcome to SKIT! Kids, where you can create videos and make friends. Version 3.3 is loaded with new features and fixes like -* Chat Powerups* Profile Power* Live Chats* Promoted Skits* Emoji Keyboard* And up to 3 minute skits!Play for now for free! No purchases required :)Come on in and join the fun! And of course, Happy Skitting!- Team SKIT! New in SKIT! Kids 3.1 Welcome to SKIT! Kids, where you can create videos and make friends. Version 3.0 is loaded with new features and fixes like -* Chat Powerups* Profile Power* Live Chats* And now, up to 3 minute skits!No purchases required in this version: create skits to earn access to whatever feature you want (or get Club SKIT!, starting at less than $1.00 a month)Come on in and join the fun! And of course, Happy Skitting!- Team SKIT! New in SKIT! Kids 3.0 Welcome to SKIT! Kids, where you can create videos and make friends. Version 3.0 is loaded with new features and fixes like -* Chat Powerups* Profile Power* Live Chats* And now, up to 3 minute skits!No purchases required in this version: create skits to earn access to whatever feature you want (or get Club SKIT!, starting at less than $1.00 a month)Come on in and join the fun! And of course, Happy Skitting!- Team SKIT! New in SKIT! Kids 2.5 Hey Skitters! SKIT! is now Faster than ever with iOS 10 support! Gifs load *instantly* and your skits load up like lightning.And now, you can now see when skitters are ONLINE! You can even send them a quick "hi" from their profile. Cool!This is a great update for everyone, and there's so much more coming to make your videos more fun, more social, and better than ever.Happy Skitting!- Team SKIT! Please rate this app

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